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How to Make Free Money with PTC's

It is really so easy to make free money with PTC's. First of all PTC stands for paid-to-click. A PTC site pays you to click on links to see advertisements. You do have to be a member of the site (all free to join). So after you join you click and watch the ads for so many seconds. Then after the time frame is over (usually around 10 to 30 seconds) Your Done! You get paid!

I do recommend to use the Firefox browser so you can see several ads from different PTC sites all at the same time. That way you are earning more money all at once. See, you can only click one ad at a time from each site until the timer runs out so, if you open up several PTC sites at once on your FireFox Browser Tabs then you can go from one site to the next earning while you click.

The Tabs are more windows on FireFox that open in one main window. Really a great feature for all surfing you do on the net and the FireFox Browser is free too! With the FireFox Tabs your not just waiting on only one site to run the timer out but many sites all at once.

I do usually click ads on 5 or 6 sites at the same time. Then I go and close the timer windows as they get done & clicking down the list of ads on the main sites. Easy! You do not earn much (only a cent or less for each ad) but it adds up! The more ads you click (especially on a daily basis) the more you earn. It is that simple.

You can also earn from people you have 'referred' to a PTC site. By advertising your referral link (listed on your free PTC site usually under 'promote'). Say advertise your referral link on free Traffic Exchanges or free Safelists, Be sure to use a couple of your referral links on your signature on forums and emails you send.

Basically use your referral link everywhere you can think of. People do check it out (click it) and sign-up to join under you! Then they are known as a 'referral'. Whenever your referral clicks an ad, you'll get paid too! How about that! When you get lots of referrals the cash adds up quickly!


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How to  Make Free Money with  PTC's

The Basic How To:


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The Basic How To:

1) Create a free email account just for PTC's and nothing else.. You will get paid to click ads and updates on the sites there. I use gmail because I can set up colored folders for each company to be filed as they come in and they do not turn the PTC sites away as spam.

2) Create a Paypal account and also an Alertpay account (if you do not have one.) You need those accounts for receiving the money from your  PTC websites.

3:) Now it is time to join some PTC sites that you like. When you see the first page of a site you usually click a "join now" button, "register" button or "sign-up" button to join. Fill out the form. Then sometimes you might be required to open up your free email account to see if there is a confirmation email and click the confirmation link in it to confirm you are at that email address.

4) The next step is to start earning with PTC's! Login into a site with your username (or your email address sometimes) and password. Most of the time you have to type in the code numbers/letters they have there also. That is to make sure you are a real person. If you successfully login, click "VIEW ADS" or "SURF ADS" to see the ads. On that page you will see a li
st of links which are the ads to get paid to click on. So click one of the available links and a new page will be opened. Be sure to keep that window open for 10 to 30 seconds. At last there will a check mark and your done! Some sites use a picture to pick the match or maybe a number to click on and then the check mark will be showning. The check mark will confirm your earning from that click! To see your earning for that day and your total earnings click on the button “MY STATS”.  Email me if you need more help!